Song Da - Truong Son Joint stock Company

Quynh Thang commun - Quynh Luu district - Nghe An
Tel: 038.3640.167 - Fax: 038.3640.403
Email: [email protected]

White lime stone materials
28/10/2016 - Viewed: 1203

Raw white lime stone is directly exploited from mines in Quy Hop district, selected  to get standard for exporting and then transported to factory.Factory manager will check quality of lime stone by testing machine and if achieved , lime stone would be balanced on the electronic weighing 80 tons

All the materials are examined closely, workers look, wash, put in dry and warehouse . Before being put into production, stone materials are checked again with the direct supervision of operational staff and storekeepers

The lime stone storage must be clean, no sand, dust to prevent impurities. Stone qualified to produce no cover rock, reservoir, no traction, no impurities and stone size <30cmx35cmx40cm.

Nguyên liệu đá trắng Quỳ Hợp


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Song Da - Truong Son joint stock company
Add: Dong Xuan hamlet - Quynh Thang commune - Quynh Luu district - Nghe An province - Vietnam
Tel: 0238.3640.167 - 0238.3640.929 ;  Fax: 0238.3640.403
Email: [email protected] - Website:
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